SOURCE: head.ache@SIN.2931-77-43125
SEND-DATE: 2074-10-03
DKIM-Signature: v=19; a=ECC-1024; c=relaxed/relaxed;d=SINid;s=20741109;bh=/Q29uZ3JhdHVsYXRpb25zLg==;
Hoi Chummers -
I appreciate you guys signing up to get me enough equipment to actually be able do some real, proper patch work. I’d love to move past the “ripperdoc” stigma and actually do some real work here. And not just for runners. But that takes gear I just don’t have, and probably won’t ever be able to afford with my clientele. (Say… did you ever pay me for getting your friend booted back up?) To fix him up and make sure he doesn’t have some kind of cortex bomb waiting to go off, I’d need the kind of gear you’d find at a standard cyberware facility. To treat other injuries and medical needs, I would need the bioware & medical facility items.
And I threw in a couple more items that would be great to have if you manage to procure them. As far as where you can find them… well…. Most hospitals these days are either DocWagon facilities or CrashCart sites. They both are generally still reserved for SINners though. My shop and places like it are the only refuge for the SINless. You can also find most of the gear at any high-end bioware or gentech research facility, like those at EVO, Shiawase, or Aztechnology’s Universal Omnitech locations.
*Dessicator Cabinet
*Cyber autoclave
*Cybereye wash station
*laboratory refrigeration unit (body temperature)
*immersion bath & circulator
*life support system (x5),
*Cyber anaerobic chamber
*Microcyber sensor array & analytics system
*Cybercentrifugre, cyberfume hood
*Cybereye wash station
*Reagents & other chemical compounds consistent with metabolic, pulmonary, cardiovascular, and neurological function
laboratory refrigeration unit (cooling)
*laboratory refrigeration unit (body temperature)
*life support system (x5),
*Cyber anaerobic chamber
*Microcyber sensor array & analytics system
*Cyber Tomography (CT) scanner/bed 50,000¥
*Cyberware Magnetic Resonance Imagery (C-MRI) scanner/bed 50,000¥
*Cyberbarometric Immersoin Tank 25,000¥